Citizens Must Demand Better From Elected Officials

Every election cycle, Nigerian politicians make glowing promises to win votes. They vow to fight corruption, create jobs, improve security, expand opportunity and more. Yet all too often, these promises go unfulfilled once they are in office.

The pervasive attitude becomes “You voted for me, now leave it to me.” Once elected, too many politicians feel little obligation to truly represent their constituents. The people’s voices become muted.

This broken dynamic allows incompetence and dishonesty to fester in government. When citizens are passive, leaders who betray the public trust face no accountability. Corruption flourishes in the darkness when officials think no one is watching.

The Green People believes the Nigerian people must demand more from elected leaders. Politicians work for us. We have the right and responsibility to scrutinize their performance, voice our priorities, and hold them accountable.

A man casts his vote at a polling station in Otueke during parliamentary polls on April 9, 2011. An explosion rocked a polling station in Nigeria during Saturday’s twice-delayed parliamentary polls, causing injuries, a day after a bomb blast killed 11 people at an electoral office. AFP PHOTO / EMMANUEL WOLE (Photo credit should read EMMANUEL WOLE/AFP/Getty Images)

Stay engaged beyond election season. Contact your representatives often to share your views and concerns. Attend town halls and community meetings to question leaders directly. Rally neighbors to vote unethical politicians out.

Use social media to issue public report cards assessing officials’ follow-through on campaign promises. Volunteer for activist groups mobilizing citizens. File complaints and petitions against corrupt acts.

The people’s sustained voice and oversight is the oxygen of democracy. When citizens disengage, when we grow cynical that government can’t change, we cede the future to ineffective leaders. We allow public offices to become tools of personal gain rather than service.

The Green People calls on all Nigerians to fulfill our civic duty. We must scrutinize our leaders, speak truth, and demand they embody the ethics, justice and opportunity this nation deserves. We the people have power when united. The time for passive citizenship is over.

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The Green People of Nigeria

A people whose courage and character light up Nigeria.