Cultivating a New Generation of Leaders

The future of Nigeria ultimately depends on our youth. They will soon inherit the responsibility of moving this country forward. We must invest in developing the next generation of leaders – ones who have integrity, care about justice, and can unite Nigeria.

That’s why the Green People is passionate about empowering young leaders. Our youth initiatives identify promising students and activists and provide training in ethics, civic engagement, policymaking and public service. We aim to nurture their potential to be society’s future leaders.

Green People Leadership Programs

Our programs are open to youth of all backgrounds – across region, ethnicity, gender and social class. We are looking for young people with servant hearts, social conscience and critical thinking skills. Idealism and optimism are welcome!

In workshops, they analyse real-world issues facing Nigerian communities and propose solutions. They practice articulate advocacy and principled negotiation. They learn how to run ethical political campaigns or organize impactful events and initiatives.

Participants gain skills and confidence to step up as leaders in public service, business, nonprofits, faith groups, and other pillars of society. Our goal is to unleash their creativity and determination to build a better Nigeria.

Young people must recognize the power they hold to remake the status quo. We need their passion and digital savvy to shake up politics as usual. Their energy can mobilize communities in new ways, just as their innovation can open doors to reimagining this nation.

The Green People applauds Nigerian youth for their fearlessness in speaking truth to power. As the next generation, they have the most at stake in fighting for integrity, justice and opportunity. We stand by them in saying enough to corruption and division.

Nigeria’s future will be bright if guided by the idealism and vision of its rising youth. The Green People Movement is proud to invest in young leaders today who will light the path ahead.

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The journey ahead requires patience, wisdom and hope. Join us as we seek to revive the Nigerian promise.

The Green People of Nigeria

A people whose courage and character light up Nigeria.