The Green Charter

The Green Charter

I, Olayemi Awoyemi, of the Green People of Nigeria, witnessing the exploitation and failure of our government to uphold its sacred duty to the citizens, do hereby set forth this Green Charter as our unified vision and demand to restore justice, ethics and true representation for all.


  • All people are endowed with inalienable human rights and dignity that must be protected.
  • The sole power and legitimacy of government derives from the free consent of the governed people.
  • When any government becomes destructive of the people’s fundamental rights and fails to serve their interests, it is the right and duty of the people to alter or abolish it through lawful means.


  • The current regime has enabled widescale corruption, self-enrichment and theft of public resources for the benefit of the few.
  • It has subverted democratic processes, the rule of law, and the system of checks and balances.
  • It perpetuates injustice, human rights abuses, economic oppression and deprivation of the people’s wellbeing.


  • The immediate removal and prosecution of all officials engaging in corruption and abuse of power.
  • The establishment of a temporary, non-partisan transitional authority to administer free and fair elections.
  • The drafting of a new constitution enshrining democratic principles, accountability and human rights protections.
  • A comprehensive program for restoring ethics in government, anti-corruption reforms and recouping stolen public funds.


  • I assert my right and responsibility to reclaim my nation through persistent but strictly non-violent civil resistance.
  • I will engage the world community and seek solidarity through adherence to universal human rights and democratic ideals.
  • My action is patriotic, and all citizens are welcomed.
  • I will be unwavering in my disciplined pursuit of justice until my demands are met.

I solemly affirm and pledge my life, fortune and sacred honour to this permanent Green Charter until such time as the dignity and sovereignty of the people is fully restored.

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The Green People of Nigeria

A people whose courage and character light up Nigeria.