Unity in Diversity – Strength in Differences

Nigeria’s greatest asset has always been its people. With over 250 ethnic groups and languages, we are a vibrant tapestry of cultures, faiths, experiences and customs. Our diversity reflects our complexity as humanity.

Yet too often, politicians exploit our differences to divide and distract. They prey on fear and mistrust of other groups to consolidate power. They amplify inflammatory rhetoric for selfish gain.

The result is polarization, hostility and fragmentation. Joined as one, the Nigerian people are unstoppable. But divided, we tear each other down and allow our nation to crumble.

The Green People envisions a Nigeria where diversity is celebrated as strength. We believe when we see each other as brothers and sisters – no matter our tribe, region or religion – we can achieve anything together.

This starts by building understanding. We must make the effort to learn about other groups’ stories, listen to different perspectives, find common ground, and recognize our shared goals for this nation we all love.

There is wisdom and beauty to be found in every Nigerian culture. We have so much to learn from each other when we open our hearts and minds. Our mosaic of ethnicities is a source of pride that enriches us all.

Part of Nigeria’s promise has always been its pluralistic democracy – one citizen, one vote, all voices heard. We must fulfill this promise by rejecting tribalism and upholding equality before the law.

The Green People calls on all Nigerians to be torchbearers of unity. Refuse to be divided. Build bridges where there are walls. See the humanity in your brothers and sisters. Let us come together in our vibrant diversity to heal Nigeria as one people, one purpose, one future.

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The journey ahead requires patience, wisdom and hope. Join us as we seek to revive the Nigerian promise.

The Green People of Nigeria

A people whose courage and character light up Nigeria.